California Pols Lose Touch with Reality over Affirmative-Action Ruling

By Will Swaim
Were you or your child denied admission into medical school on the basis of race or ethnicity within the last 5 years? Click here to document your experience. In doing so, they ignore the real scandal in the state’s education system. *     *     * Among the weirdest reactions to the Supreme Court’s June 29 decisions on...

TAGS: Affirmative Action, Gavin Newsom, politicians, Supreme Court, U.S. Supreme Court

SCOTUS confirms unions can be sued for property damage

By Houston Reese
In an important ruling last week, the U.S. Supreme Court held that unions can be sued in state court for damages if striking workers intentionally destroy their employer’s property. The decision is a victory for employers that puts unions on notice that there are consequences for their reckless actions during strikes. In Glacier Northwest v....

TAGS: construction unions, SCOTUS, Supreme Court, Teamsters, U.S. Supreme Court

California unions show rare impotence as they deal with coming Supreme Court ruling

By Steven Greenhut
Sacramento — California’s public-sector unions are so accustomed to getting their way in the state Capitol that it’s almost entertaining watching them respond to a coming U.S. Supreme Court decision that is likely to slash their political and economic power. They are sponsoring a variety of bills designed to mute that decision, but there’s surprisingly...

TAGS: California Legislature, Janus, U.S. Supreme Court, Unions

Unions rigged the rules, but can do little more than brace for end of mandatory union dues

By Steven Greenhut
Sacramento Virtually everyone enjoys the prospect of watching the class bully, who has spent ages tormenting the weak and powerless, get a justified comeuppance. It’s particularly entertaining when the tough guy cries about the unfairness of it all when the tables finally are turned – and there’s nothing he can do about the well-deserved retribution....

TAGS: Janus, U.S. Supreme Court, union dues

Union dues hike spotlights need for high-court intervention

By Steven Greenhut
Sacramento —A recent action by one of nation’s largest public-employee unions illustrates the importance of an Illinois case that might make its way to the U.S. Supreme Court sometime next year. The technical dispute involves the complex process by which public-sector unions assess dues to those who don’t want to be members. But the real...

TAGS: Friedrichs, Janus, U.S. Supreme Court

Friedrichs Means Choice for Children and Teachers

By RiShawn Biddle
It goes without saying that education and economics go hand in hand. For most parents, regardless of race or class, part of the American Dream is for our children to attend safe, family friendly, high-quality schools with great principals, teachers and support staff. As parents, we imagine that special day when our children graduate high...

TAGS: American Federation of Teachers, Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, National Education Association, U.S. Supreme Court

Supreme Court Hears Challenge to Neutrality Agreements

By Dave Bego
This past Wednesday, November 13, 2013, the United States Supreme Court heard the initial arguments in the case Unite Here Local 355 vs. Mulhall. The case of Mulhall, a 40-year employee of Mardi Gras in Hollywood, Florida, challenged the use of a Neutrality Agreement by Unite Here to force unionize Mardi Gras employees. A Neutrality Agreement eliminates the preferred standard...

TAGS: card check, Dave Bego, Neutrality Agreement, U.S. Supreme Court