School Choice Wins Across the Nation

By Sheridan Swanson
The school choice movement is accelerating across the nation as more state legislatures pass laws that empower parents to use tax dollars to send their child to the best school for them. Support for school choice is also skyrocketing among voters across demographics. Among likely voters, a survey by the Invest in Education Coalition found...

TAGS: California public education, Education Savings Accounts, school choice, school vouchers, voucher, vouchers

School choice’s strange bedfellows

By Larry Sand
The move to educational freedom brings together some unlikely allies. Shortly after the general election, American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten was ecstatic. Writing in The New York Times, she insisted that there was a “realignment in the electorate.” She also claimed that “voters responded to a decade of disinvestment in public education and...

TAGS: American Federation of Teachers, Andrew Gillum, Betsy DeVos, Education Next, Larry Sand, Randi Weingarten, Ron DeSantis, school choice, Scott Walker, tax credit scholarship, teachers union, voucher

NEA mob rules

By Larry Sand
The yearly NEA convention was replete with the usual bogeymen, rah-rah talk, weird new business items and a bit more angst than usual.  This last year should have been a pip for the National Education Association. Antoni Scalia’s death killed Friedrichs and kept forced unionism alive and well in half the country. And the inevitable...

TAGS: Andrew Coulson, Betsy DeVos, charter school, Janus v. AFSCME, Larry Sand, Lily Eskelsen Garcia, Mike Antonucci, National Education Association, Rebecca Friedrichs, school choice, teachers union, Trinity Lutheran Church v. Pauley, voucher

Two Guys Walk into a Party….

By Larry Sand
Debunking teacher union talking points about school choice. Okay, so you’re at a cocktail party sipping brandy, and some rabid teacher union supporter starts mouthing off about Trump, DeVos, the evils of vouchers and, at the same time, waxing ecstatic about the glories of our traditional zip-code monopoly education system (Z MES). Now, you might...

TAGS: Betsy DeVos, EdChoice, education savings account, ESA, Greg Forster, Larry Sand, Lily Eskelsen Garcia, National Education Association, school choice, teachers union, voucher

School Choice and Its Foes

By Larry Sand
My brief talk Saturday at FreedomFest identified those who try to deny school choice to the children of America and the tactics they use to do it.  On a recent panel at FreedomFest, a libertarian gathering held yearly in Las Vegas, I along with National School Choice Week President Andrew Campanella, Friedman Foundation State Programs...

TAGS: ACLU, Bob Bowdon, Choice Media, Florida Education Association, Friedman Foundation, Greg Forster, Jonathan Butcher, Larry Sand, National Education Association, National School Choice Week, school choice, tax credit scholarship, teachers union, Valerie Strauss, voucher, Zelman v. Simmons-Harris

Parents Need a Private School Option When Public Schools Fail

By Larry Sand
As the need for vouchers increases, the politics of school privatization gets interestinger and interestinger. “Some NYC teachers: ‘Don’t send your kids here!’” screamed the headline in a New York Post article last week. The damning story goes on to explain how over 80 percent of the teachers in eight public schools – including charters...

TAGS: American Federation of Teachers, D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, Education Next, Fordham Institute, Friedman Foundation, Gloria Romero, Hillary Clinton, Howard Fuller, Kevin Chavous, Larry Sand, National Education Association, Randi Weingarten, teachers union, voucher, Whitney Tilson