Big Labor Feels the Pressure

By Dave Bego
Now that two cases concerning forced unionism have made it to the U.S. Supreme Court’s docket (see “The Devil at My Doorstep” Introduced to the Supreme Court and U.S. Supreme Court: An Opportunity to Protect Fundamental Freedoms), it appears big labor’s Gasping Dinosaurs are becoming even more desperate in their attempts to avoid extinction. Events transpiring in the past several weeks make...

TAGS: card check, Corporate campaign, Dave Bego, Neutrality Agreement, seiu

Unions Adopting New Strategies to Rebuild Membership

By Dave Bego
Big Labor bosses are facing the increasing realization that their organizations are rapidly facing extinction. A trifecta of difficulties, consisting of recent revelations of the impact Obamacare will have on union costs and membership, the weakening of support for “Card Check” legislation, and the increasing popularity and passage of “Right-to-Work” laws have the Gasping Dinosaurs very nervous. Union...

TAGS: card check, Dave Bego, Fight for Fifteen, NLRB, seiu, social justice, The Devil at Our Doorstep, Unions

Putting “Teeth” in Right-to-Work

By Dave Bego
Having been involved in discussion regarding Right-To-Work legislation in Indiana and Michigan, I can attest to the tireless efforts of grassroots movements – by local businesses in Indiana and concerned United Auto Worker employees in Michigan – to achieve the goal of protecting worker freedoms. Statistical data shows that the implementation of a Right-To-Work law...

TAGS: card check, Dave Bego, Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Manhattan Institute, Michigan, National Labor Relations Board, Neutrality Agreement, NLRB, Right to Work

Big Labor Opposes Employee Incentives

By Dave Bego
Control.  It is the most pressing priority for the leadership of Big Labor. They need to control the masses, and in order to do that they most control the terms of employment, and they must control the benefits of employment. For this reason, the Big Labor bosses oppose employee incentive raises. They create discord and...

TAGS: card check, NLRB

How Republicans Can Fight Against Forced Unionism

By Dave Bego
During my recent trip to Washington D.C. I was asked to speak to the Republican Whip Committee, a group of approximately 50 Republican U.S. House members charged with the responsibility of preparing and securing support for passage of “priority” legislation. I used this time to provide the Whip Committee with the background of my battle against...

TAGS: card check, NLRB, seiu, Union "Corporate Campaigns"

Congress Clashes with NLRB

By Dave Bego
President Obama’s Rogue NLRB, driven by Chairperson Mark Pearce and the President’s radical recess appointees, have encountered serious roadblocks the past several weeks as they continue their quest to achieve EFCA Through the Backdoor (see Labor Board Chief to Push Union Organizing Rules). This past week, the GOP Senators pushed back when they announced they are Suing...

TAGS: card check, Neutrality Agreement, NLRB