California Agricultural Labor Board Has New Chairman – Union Control Remains Absolute

By Katy Grimes
LRemoving all doubt that the California Agricultural Labor Relations Board is a Marxist tool for unionization, William B. Gould IV, Gov. Jerry Brown’s appointed Chairman of the board, announced his resignation Friday, in a cranky letter complaining that farm workers don’t want to join the United Farmworkers Union. Gould’s resignation also proved that he never was an...

TAGS: Governor Jerry Brown

Another California Local Government Gives Unions a Contract Monopoly to Get State Funding

By Kevin Dayton
Numerous California elected officials are condemning President-Elect Donald Trump’s proposal of immigration-related conditions for local governments to obtain federal grants. But at the same time, California elected officials are imposing their own union-related conditions for local governments to obtain state grants. Local control is obviously not the principle at issue. There is now a second case in 2016 of a California local government voting to give unions monopoly...

TAGS: Fresno Bee, Governor Jerry Brown, Jerry Brown

CA Democrats are Not Standing Up for "Working Families"

By David Kersten
It’s election season, so every California Democrat politician is out there on the campaign trail, precinct walking with their “friends” in labor, and speaking to labor organizations and anyone else who will listen.  They are speaking with one voice–that ” we are proud to stand up for working families.” This may sound like a great...

TAGS: AB 32, climate change, Governor Jerry Brown, Prop. 13, public employee compensation

Governor Brown – The Bailout King

By Edward Ring
“What a salesman,” he said, mockingly. “I guess that’s what you learned … selling that stock that went south.” – California Governor Brown, to challenger Kashkari, during televised debate Sept. 4th, 2014 (ref. SF Gate) If anyone wants to know what the theme of Governor Brown’s attacks on GOP candidate Neel Kashkari is going to...

TAGS: Governor Jerry Brown, normal pension contribution, pension reform, unfunded pension liabilities

Unions Virtually Alone in Love with California High-Speed Rail

By Kevin Dayton
Even close observers of the California High-Speed Rail Authority have struggled to track developments for the state’s planned bullet train. The debacle began in November 2008, when 52.7% of California voters approved Proposition 1A and triggered serious planning for what could be the most expensive construction project in human history. With that kind of money...

TAGS: AB 32, California bullet train, California Governor Jerry Brown, California high speed rail, California High-Speed Rail Authority, Community Benefits Agreements, Federal Railroad Administration, Fresno Bee, Governor Jerry Brown, Jerry Brown, Project Labor Agreements, Proposition 1A (November 2008), State Building and Construction Trades Council of California

Momentum Shifts in Fight to Fire Bad Teachers

By Private: Gloria Romero
Thank you, Gov. Jerry Brown. The governor on Thursday sided with California parents seeking to protect their children from sexual predators in the classroom, over the interests of the California Teachers Association and the California Federation of Teachers seeking to protect their members by circumventing and defeating the most significant lawsuit – Vergara vs. California...

TAGS: California Attorney General Kamala Harris, CTA, Governor Jerry Brown, Vergara vs. California

Mailers Expose Union CEQA “Greenmail” Against Solar Developers

By Kevin Dayton
Finally, ordinary citizens in the San Joaquin Valley learn how construction trade unions block solar power plant projects by exploiting the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Residents of Kings County (in the San Joaquin Valley of California) see local opportunities for economic growth and job creation through the construction and operation of proposed solar-powered electrical generation facilities....

TAGS: Adams Broadwell Joseph & Cardozo, California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), California Unions for Reliable Energy (CURE), Coalition for Fair Employment in Construction (CFEC), Fresno Bee, Governor Jerry Brown, Greenmail, Project Labor Agreements

California Deficit Soars to $16 Billion

By Mike Shedlock
California, like Greece is perpetually in fiscal trouble. Overoptimistic revenue forecasts coupled with spending $2 billion more than expected has California in a deep hole. Governor Jerry Brown has the same non-solution as ever, hike taxes. Brown wants a “temporary” (as in seven years) tax hike. Given we all know there are no such things...

TAGS: Governor Jerry Brown