Kudos to the California Federation of Teachers

By Larry Sand
Instead of the usual fake teacher union concerns about “the children,” CFT’s new straightforward video unequivocally touts class warfare and vilifies rich people. The California Teachers Association has been in the news a lot lately. In the early fall, it successfully fought to get Prop. 30 passed and to kill Prop. 32. These victories came...

TAGS: California Federation of Teachers, California Teachers Association, California Teachers Empowerment Network, Dennis Van Roekel, Kyle Olson, Larry Sand, Randi Weingarten, teachers union, Troy Senik

More Money for Business as Usual

By Larry Sand
Throwing ever more funds at education without making substantive changes to the system is a horrible waste of money, not to mention children’s lives. California Democrat Congressman Mike Honda and National Education Association President Dennis Van Roekel recently collaborated on an op-ed that played up just about every bit of feel good, cliché-riddled drivel ever...

TAGS: Andrew Biggs, Dean Vogel, Dennis Van Roekel, Eric Hanushek, Gloria Romero, Heritage Foundation, Jason Richwine, Larry Sand, Lindsey Burke, National Education Association, Prop. 30, Teach For America, teacher pay, teachers unions

Class Warfare and Two-Faced Union Bosses

By Larry Sand
Teacher union bosses’ hypocrisy plunges to new depths. After the recent congressional vote to keep the Bush-era tax cuts in place, National Education Association President Dennis Van Roekel lamented on the union’s website, Today House Republican leadership gave the richest two percent another handout, while pulling the rug out from under millions of children and...

TAGS: class warfare, Dennis Van Roekel, Randi Weingarten, teachers union

National Education Association Admits Things Will Never Be the Same

By Larry Sand
The nation’s biggest union finds itself in a big hole and keeps digging. In his excellent book, Special Interest: Teachers Unions and Americas Public Schools, published a little more than a year ago, Terry Moe posited that the teachers unions would meet their end via two routes – Democrats joining Republicans, thus making education reform...

TAGS: California Teachers Association, Citizens United, D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, Dennis Van Roekel, Mike Antonucci, National Education Association, SB 1530, teachers union, Terry Moe, vouchers

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Union Rhetoric

By Larry Sand
After losing the Battle of Wisconsin, union members flee in droves and frantic union apologists resort to melodrama. Since losing the recall election in Wisconsin two weeks ago, it seems that there has been more than the usual lying, distortion and hyperbole coming from union bosses and their fellow travelers. Perhaps the most egregious example...

TAGS: Act 10, Dennis Van Roekel, Governor Scott Walker, National Education Association, public employee unions

The Battle of Wisconsin

By Larry Sand
Governor Walker’s victory on June 5th was crucial, but the war is far from over. Just a week ago, Scott Walker survived a recall, beating back the rapacious efforts of the National Education Association and its state affiliate, the Wisconsin Education Association (WEAC) to recall the Wisconsin governor who had the moxie to work with...

TAGS: Act 10, collective bargaining, Dennis Van Roekel, Mike Antonucci, National Education Association, Scott Walker, teachers union, Wisconsin Education Association Council

The Tragic Consequences of Social Justice Education

By Larry Sand
The president of the National Education Association continues to promote ideas that are anti-American and are turning our kids into progressive, anti-wealth, equality-obsessed robots. Last week, the drone-like National Education Association President Dennis Van Roekel gave a talk at the annual gathering of the Nebraska State Education Association. He unleashed the same tired old class...

TAGS: Bill Ayers, Dennis Van Roekel, Kyle Olson, National Education Association, occupy movement, social justice

CTA Dons Victim Guise and Joins Occupy Wall Street Crowd

By Larry Sand
It’s almost Halloween and the California Teachers Association, a rich and powerful outfit, is in costume as one of the “99%ers” – protesters who claim to be have-nots. A couple of weeks ago United Federation of Teachers President Michael Mulgrew and American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten made sympathetic statements about the Occupy Wall...

TAGS: American Federation of Teachers, California Teachers Association, class warfare, Dean Vogel, Dennis Van Roekel, National Education Association, Occupy Wall Street, Randi Weingarten, teachers unions

The Tragedy and Farce of American Schools of Education

By Larry Sand
Education schools are nothing more than dumbed down, politically correct fad factories supported by the teachers unions. If you ever wanted to have a complete file of Diane Ravitch’s inane union apologist utterances all in one place – here it is. As Part of NBC’s Education Nation, she and Harlem Children’s Zone’s President Geoffrey Canada...

TAGS: American Federation of Teachers, Dennis Van Roekel, National Education Association, Randi Weingarten, teachers unions