(Note: This piece, co-written with Lia Rensin, first appeared in various Southern California News Group newspapers.) On March 5th, the California Department of Education released a fourth draft of its Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum. Not surprisingly, letters opposing Critical Race Theory and Critical Ethnic Studies comprised the #1 concern about the ESMC. And yet, more...
As a result of their insistence on school closings, the unions are inadvertently leading the charge to educational freedom. As I wrote last week, opposition to teacher union-mandated lockdowns is growing. Parent groups are springing up all over the country, demanding that schools reopen. They see the irreparable harm being done to their kids on...
Refusing to accept responsibility for Covid-related lockdowns, the American Federation of Teachers tars Republicans. In a recent Wall Street Journal op-ed, former New Jersey governor Chris Christie, a Republican, correctly blamed the nation’s teachers unions for the overwrought Covid-related lockdowns that have strangled public education throughout much of the country. The American Federation of Teachers...
The fixation on equity is a loser for all concerned. At the same time that the indoctrination of American students continues to work its way through the schools, its evil twin “equity” is advancing right along with it. As the race-obsessed Ibram X. Kendi explains, equity exists when “two or more racial groups are standing...
Some parents are paying $50,000 a year for their kids to be indoctrinated. Colleges have been fertile fields of woke craziness for years now. Just a few recent examples: Middlebury College Professor Jonathan Miller-Lane claims that “To preserve American democracy, Whiteness must be demilitarized so that bodies designated as ‘White’ might become human.” A Washington...
The resegregation, victimization and historical manipulation of America is advancing. The radical rambling of the woke crowd – those who want to restructure society by dividing America according race – is advancing, and things are getting truly bizarre. Seattle’s k-12 Math Ethnic Studies Framework teaches that “Western” math is a means of “power and oppression,”...
The teachers unions’ resistance to opening schools is killing kids…literally. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 6 percent of U.S. children aged 6 through 17 are afflicted with autism, severe anxiety, depression, trauma-related mental health conditions, and other serious emotional or behavioral difficulties. Due to forced school lockdowns, many of these...
President Biden calls for national unity, but his words ring hollow. The resignation of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos the day after the Capitol protests spurred National Education Association President Becky Pringle to spew, “Resigning 13 days before the end of this administration does nothing to erase the harm Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has done to this...
As the teachers unions buttress their roadblocks to reopening schools, parental choice is more important than ever. In September 2020, researchers Corey DeAngelis and Christos Makridis released the results of a study which found that school districts in places with strong teachers’ unions were much less likely to offer full-time, in-person instruction in the fall....
In what amounts to a “1984 Project,” school districts across the country have turned into reeducation camps. In December it was revealed that the San Diego Unified School District had hired Ibram X. Kendi and Robin DiAngelo, two brazen race hustlers posing as “trainers” to jam their radical racial separatist agenda down the throats of...
Prepared by Golden Together, a Movement to Restore the California Dream Edward Ring, California Policy Center Steve Hilton, Founder of Golden Together Published March 20, 2025