California Lawmakers Sacrifice Education for Politics with AB 1955

By Andrew Davenport
While California faces a significant decline in educational outcomes, student enrollment, and a fiscal crisis, progressives in the state legislature are more concerned with targeting parents than improving schools. Assembly Bill 1955, introduced by Assemblyman Chris Ward (D-San Diego), aims to ban parental notification policies passed by a growing number of California school districts over...

TAGS: AB 1955, conservative, LA Times, Liberal, Los Angeles, parental rights, Politics, Sacramento, teachers unions

Temecula Teachers Want Education, Not Indoctrination

By Andrew Davenport
Many teachers in California are fed up with the political activism of their teachers’ union that is not aligned with the interests of educators and students — and often disrupts and derails classroom instruction in favor of political agendas. A case in point is the United Educators of San Francisco, which recently issued statements calling...

TAGS: California Teachers Association, critical race theory, CTA, Equal Rights, teachers unions, Temecula, TVEA, TVUSD

Student Achievement Disparities in California

By Sheridan Swanson
California parents are understandably exasperated with the alarming achievement disparities among K-12 students in the state. State and national performance assessment rankings show that California’s traditional public schools are some of the worst performing in the nation. And while poor school performance affects students of all backgrounds, low-income and minority students are disproportionately impacted. The...

TAGS: California government unions, california public schools, public schools, standardized testing, teachers unions

Tony Thurmond – Public Sector Union Operative

By Edward Ring
As the 21st century careens its way towards more geopolitical and economic uncertainty than most people alive today have ever known, with constant and transformative change the only constant, optimists among us still hope that some elements of California’s labor movement will begin to throw their weight behind policies and politicians that offer stability and...

TAGS: California teachers unions, public sector unions, teachers unions, Tony Thurmond

The School Fiscal Officer’s Dilemma

By Mark Moses
Most California school districts and their labor unions have finally come to terms on COVID-19 protocols, reconciling federal and state funding and mandate issues with the funding given them in several relief packages. Now, a new round of labor unrest is percolating across the state as new compensation contracts are negotiated. Teachers expect sizable raises,...

TAGS: parents, teachers union, teachers unions

The union mandated school shutdowns are having major consequences

By Larry Sand
School violence rises, mental health days proliferate, and thousands of kids are leaving government schools nationwide. Recently, a report compiled by Mike Antonucci for the Defense of Freedom Institute confirmed that the teachers unions had a heavy-handed role in the Covid-related shutdowns that consumed much of the country starting in March 2020. And the “never...

TAGS: California Teachers Association, Larry Sand, teachers union, teachers unions, United Teachers of Los Angeles

Defective bargaining

By Larry Sand
A challenger for governor of California could radically improve education with one executive order. In a recent opinion piece in The Epoch Times, veteran writer John Seiler put forth a set of strategies for a Republican to beat California Governor Gavin Newsom in the state’s September 14th recall election. Among other things, he suggests that...

TAGS: collective bargaining, Larry Sand, recall, Rodda Act, teachers unions, Unions

Governor Newsom Fails to Put Pressure on Teachers Unions to Reopen Public Schools

By Brandon Ristoff
Late last month, Governor Newsom announced a $2 billion plan to support reopening K-6 public schools for in-person learning by providing districts money if they agree to a timetable for reopening starting in mid-February. But Newsom is playing both sides. He’s trying to support both families who want their kids back in school and the teachers...

TAGS: Bay Area, California Federation of Teachers, California Teacher Association, California teachers unions, Gavin, Gavin Newsom, Newsom, public schools, San Francisco, teachers unions

Orange County Classical Academy Excels Despite COVID

By Edward Ring
When the COVID-19 pandemic struck hard back in April 2020, California’s teachers’ unions went into overdrive. The United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA) released a lengthy document outlining what they believed to be “Safe and Equitable Conditions for Starting LAUSD in 2020-21.” In a report published by the California Policy Center that same month, Larry Sand explained the deal...

TAGS: Charter schools, CTA, LAUSD, orange county classical academy, teachers unions