Lone Star Bound

By Sheridan Swanson
Frisco, Texas — nestled in the north Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex — has been making headlines for the number of companies flocking to the city to take advantage of its business-friendly environment and rapid growth. This month, the Frisco Economic Development Corporation (FEDC) released a statement highlighting the city’s impressive 2022 track record, having welcomed sixteen...

TAGS: book of exoduses, California, California book of exoduses, California business tax climate, California Exodus, regulations, Texas

Reopening Update: Newsom’s Not-So-Full California Reopening

By Brandon Ristoff
After suggestions that Newsom is planning to add a less-restrictive green tier to California’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy, Governor Gavin Newsom announced that, assuming the current COVID trajectory in California remains, the tiered system that has been in place since August will be eliminated entirely. According to Governor Newsom, it will be “business as...

TAGS: Newsom, reopening, schools, Texas

America’s Opportunity City

By Joel Kotkin
David Wolff and David Hightower are driving down the partially completed Grand Parkway around Houston. The vast road, when completed, will add a third freeway loop around this booming, 600-square-mile Texas metropolis. Urban aesthetes on the ocean coasts tend to have a low opinion of the flat Texas landscape—and of Houston, in particular, which they...

TAGS: Joel Kotkin, Texas

The Best State Governors: Two Examples

By Jon Coupal
Suppose you pick up your typical California newspaper and see headlines like, “State Unemployment Far Below the National Average” and “State Running Healthy Surplus; Gov. to Return Money to Taxpayers.” You just might find yourself paraphrasing Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, “Sutter Brown, I’ve got a feeling were not in California anymore.” (For those...

TAGS: Governor Scott Walker, public sector union reform, Texas, Wisconsin