Science with the union label

By Larry Sand
Despite the reopening happy talk, more than half of all California’s k-12 students remain in distance learning. While schools in California have reopened, a study by EdSource reveals that 55 percent of all public school students in California have not returned to their physical classroom. And just 13 percent of all students in the Golden...

TAGS: EdSource, Public, school, schools

Reopening Update: Newsom’s Not-So-Full California Reopening

By Brandon Ristoff
After suggestions that Newsom is planning to add a less-restrictive green tier to California’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy, Governor Gavin Newsom announced that, assuming the current COVID trajectory in California remains, the tiered system that has been in place since August will be eliminated entirely. According to Governor Newsom, it will be “business as...

TAGS: Newsom, reopening, schools, Texas

Should My School Be Open?: Looking at Alternative Benchmarks for Reopening Schools

By Brandon Ristoff
CLICK HERE to see the which benchmarks your county has passed. It has now been over a month since Governor Newsom introduced his Safe Schools for All plan, which would have allowed schools to reopen soon. How has the school reopening situation changed since then? Newsom’s plan did not receive the necessary legislative approval by...

TAGS: Andrew Cuomo, Gavin Newsom, reopening schools, San Francisco, schools

California Dystopia Update: The January 2020 edition

By Chris Reed
On Friday, Gov. Gavin Newsom presented a 2020-21 state budget that includes more money for K-12 public schools than ever before. But even as metrics-driven education reforms over the past quarter-century have paid major dividends in both union states (Massachusetts, New Jersey) and non-union states (Florida, Texas), California lawmakers have never seriously considered trying to...

TAGS: Chris Reed, Gavin Newsom, homelessness, pensions, Sacramento, schools, state budget, Unions