Split Roll and the Bottomless Hole

By Larry Sand
A union-led initiative wants to eliminate Prop. 13 benefits for businesses. California’s Prop. 13, wildly popular on both sides of the political aisle, is under siege by unions. Using the Orwellian name “Make It Fair,” a coalition led by the California Teachers Association, California Federation of Teachers, SEIU and their friends has decided that they...

TAGS: California Federation of Teachers, California Teachers Association, Dan Walters, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, Jerry Brown, Jon Coupal, Mike Antonucci, Prop. 13, Prop. 30, Richard Rider, seiu, split roll, Taxifornia

Bad Week for Teachers Unions

By Larry Sand
These days, the teachers unions have landed on the wrong side of judges, teachers, the general public and just about everyone else whose lives they touch. Seems like the teachers unions are getting it from all sides these days. In a Wall Street Journal piece, the writers note that the percentage of elementary and secondary...

TAGS: American Federation of Teachers, California Federation of Teachers, California Teachers Association, Jerry Brown, Larry Sand, Michael Mulgrew, Michigan Education Association, Mike Antonucci, National Education Association, Right to Work, Rolf Treu, teachers unions, United Federation of Teachers, Vergara

Unions Virtually Alone in Love with California High-Speed Rail

By Kevin Dayton
Even close observers of the California High-Speed Rail Authority have struggled to track developments for the state’s planned bullet train. The debacle began in November 2008, when 52.7% of California voters approved Proposition 1A and triggered serious planning for what could be the most expensive construction project in human history. With that kind of money...

TAGS: AB 32, California bullet train, California Governor Jerry Brown, California high speed rail, California High-Speed Rail Authority, Community Benefits Agreements, Federal Railroad Administration, Fresno Bee, Governor Jerry Brown, Jerry Brown, Project Labor Agreements, Proposition 1A (November 2008), State Building and Construction Trades Council of California

Transitional Kindergarten: A Boondoggle by any other name….

By Larry Sand
CA announces a budget surplus — and legislators can’t wait to blow it. It’s hardly surprising, but California’s we-never-met-a-big-budget-bill-we-didn’t-like Democratic lawmakers and State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson have joined hands to sponsor SB 837, new legislation that would provide free public preschool to every four-year-old child in California. The Kindergarten Readiness Act of 2014, introduced...

TAGS: California Teachers Empowerment Network, Caroline Hoxby, Darrell Steinberg, Head Start, Jerry Brown, Larry Sand, Lindsey Burke, Lisa Snell, Tom Torlakson, Transitional Kindergarten

Unions “Using Political Leverage to Punish Those Exercising Rights” in California Constitution

By Kevin Dayton
On October 13, 2013, California Governor Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 7, which cuts off state funds designated for construction to any California city that exercises its right under the California Constitution to establish its own policies concerning government-mandated wage rates (so-called “prevailing wages”) on contracts. This was a major victory for the State Building...

TAGS: California Constitution, Charter Cities, Jerry Brown, League of California Cities, Prevailing Wage, Senate Bill 7 (2013), Senate Bill 829 (2012), Senate Bill 922 (2011), State Building and Construction Trades Council of California

Charter Proposals for California Cities Continue Provoking Union Opposition

By Kevin Dayton
California Governor Jerry Brown claimed in his State of the State address that California now has “a solid and enduring budget.” His Finance Department even predicts state budget surpluses. Despite the jubilation at the state capitol inspired by tax increases and one-party rule, California cities seem skeptical, as shown by their continued efforts to exercise their state constitutional rights to govern their own municipal affairs,...

TAGS: Are Charter Cities Taking Advantage of State Mandated Construction Wage Rate ("Prevailing Wage") Exemptions?, Jerry Brown, Los Angeles/Orange County Building and Construction Trades Council, Minimum Wage, Prevailing Wage, Smart Cities Prevail

How Will Students Celebrate Labor History Month in California Schools?

By Kevin Dayton
Do you have children or grandchildren in California public schools? You may need to give some counter-instruction at home to balance the material disseminated at school assemblies and through classroom instruction during Labor History Month. As enacted by Governor Jerry Brown in 2012 through Assembly Bill 2269, the entire month of May is now designated by the state government for...

TAGS: Gray Davis, Jerry Brown, Labor History Month, May Day, University of California Miguel Contreras Labor Program

Unions Threaten Environmental Litigation to Block San Diego Convention Center

By Kevin Dayton
Whatever your views concerning the wisdom of the proposed $520 million expansion of the San Diego Convention Center and the related expansion of the adjacent Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel, you should be outraged at the shameless stunt of top San Diego labor union officials and their lawyers at the September 19, 2012 meeting of the...

TAGS: Adams Broadwell Joseph & Cardozo, California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), CEQA Reform, Greenmail, Jerry Brown, Lorena Gonzalez, National University System Institute for Policy Research in San Diego, Project Labor Agreements, San Diego Convention Center Expansion, San Diego County Building and Construction Trades Council, San Diego County Central Labor Council, Tom Lemmon, UNITE HERE Local Union No. 30