California is world-leader in traffic; Caltrans engineers get raises

By Edmund Pine
Gov. Jerry Brown has often expressed his vision of California as America’s – maybe the world’s – leader in technology, climate change, anti-smoking campaigns, environmental protection, health care for the poor. But California is inarguably the leader in one category: Two California cities are among the world’s worst for traffic congestion. Los Angeles ranked No....

TAGS: California, California taxes, CalTrans, high speed rail, traffic, Unions

Labor Union Day

By Larry Sand
Labor Day has become little more than an opportunity for union leaders to puff out their chests and make grandiose statements about the glories of organized labor. As a way to build their brand, union leaders typically pit management against labor, portraying the worker as David fighting greedy entrepreneurs and corporate Goliaths. This is especially...

TAGS: American Federation of Teachers, Deroy Murdock, Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Koch Brothers, Larry Sand, Manhattan Institute, National Education Association, Randi Weingarten, Teamsters, Unions, United Auto Workers, United Federation of Teachers

The United Auto Workers on the Skids?

By Vincent Vernuccio
Summary: it’s been a long, slow slide for the United Auto Workers, which hit its peak in the early 1950s. Defeated in a critical unionization election in the South and facing a critical change in state law in its home base in Michigan, the UAW has responded to the challenge by raising dues and by...

TAGS: Rick Snyder, Right to Work, Unions, United Auto Workers

Unions Adopting New Strategies to Rebuild Membership

By Dave Bego
Big Labor bosses are facing the increasing realization that their organizations are rapidly facing extinction. A trifecta of difficulties, consisting of recent revelations of the impact Obamacare will have on union costs and membership, the weakening of support for “Card Check” legislation, and the increasing popularity and passage of “Right-to-Work” laws have the Gasping Dinosaurs very nervous. Union...

TAGS: card check, Dave Bego, Fight for Fifteen, NLRB, seiu, social justice, The Devil at Our Doorstep, Unions

Unraveling What Happened in Michigan

By Larry Sand
Now that the dust has settled, there are still some loose ends that need to be addressed in the Wolverine State’s right-to-work battle. Last Tuesday, Michigan became the nation’s 24th right-to-work state. Much has been written about this and yet there still is much misinformation in circulation – mostly being spread by the unions, of...

TAGS: collective bargaining, James Sherk, Larry Sand, Michigan, Mike Antonucci, Right to Work, Unions

“Indoctrination” – A Must Read For Parents, Taxpayers and Everyone Else

By Larry Sand
To a large extent, the progressives have taken over American education, are transforming it and are doing it in plain sight. Indoctrination: How ‘Useful Idiots’ Are Using Our Schools to Subvert American Exceptionalism is an invaluable book written by Kyle Olson, founder and CEO of the Education Action Group, an organization that is on the...

TAGS: Bill Ayers, California Federation of Teachers, Education Action Group, Howard Zinn, Indoctrination, Kyle Olson, National Education Association, teachers unions, Unions

Unions Continue to Swindle the Public

By Larry Sand
Unions are still treacherous, but with a generous helping of legislative malfeasance, their tactics are more subtle. “On the Waterfront” portrayed union power at its rawest. In the 1950s, the unions typically got their way with nothing less than brute force. But today the tactics are different. In “Pretty Boy Floyd,” Woody Guthrie sang, “Some...

TAGS: National Education Association, Reg Weaver, teachers unions, Unions

Union Watch Highlights

By Jack Dean
Recent reports on union activity from around the web through November 12, 2010: Super-sized pensions, and a doomsday scenario by Bob Sullivan, November 12, 2010, MSNBC In New York, a 44-year-old firefighter retires with a $101,000 a year pension, for life. Near Chicago, a parks commissioner quits and begins collecting a $166,000 pension – a...

TAGS: Unions