Union, Inc.

By Larry Sand
Teacher union leaders palavering about evil corporations and the rich is a modern-day version of The Emperor’s New Clothes. The teachers unions really need to get some new talking points. Granted, straw men and hyperbole are common in political discourse, but union verbiage needs a serious makeover – the old model is giving hypocrisy a...

TAGS: Alex Caputo-Pearl, American Federation of Teachers, California Teachers Association, corporate greed, Eric Heins, John Stocks, Larry Sand, Lily Eskelsen Garcia, Mike Antonucci, National Education Association, Prop. 13, Randi Weingarten, Taxifornia, teachers union, United Teachers of Los Angeles

The rise of uncivil education

By Larry Sand
This year has not been kind to the land of the free. Due to advancing ignorance and arrogance – a deadly combination – the basic tenets of our republic are in trouble, and public education is at the center of much of what is wrong. While we went through a similar socio-political upheaval in the...

TAGS: California Teachers Association, Chester Finn, John Stocks, Kevin Dayton, Lance Izumi, Larry Sand, Mike Antonucci, National Education Association, teachers union, United Teachers of Los Angeles

The World’s Largest Oligarchical Organization

By Larry Sand
The WikiLeaks document dump exposes NEA’s manipulation of its purported democratic process. The WikiLeaks email release, unmasking the Hillary Clinton campaign, has become a daily ritual. A treasure trove of communiqués has exposed Hillary to be just about everything that the right (and even many on the left) has said she is. The emails from...

TAGS: Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, James Sherk, John Stocks, Larry Sand, Lily Eskelsen Garcia, Mike Antonucci, NEA, teachers union

The Unions’ “Accountability” Libel Against Charter Schools

By Larry Sand
The teacher union war on charter schools ramps up with empty billionaire and accountability accusations. Charter schools are like pesky chewing gum that the teachers unions just can’t quite get off their shoes. They have been persistent in trying to just get rid of the alternative public schools – except for the few they have...

TAGS: accountability, American Federation of Teachers, California Charter School Association, Charter schools, CREDO, Democracy Alliance, Eli Broad, Eric Owens, George Soros, In the Public Interest, John Stocks, LA School Report, Larry Sand, National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, National Education Association, Nina Rees, Occupy Wall Street, Randi Weingarten, teachers union, Tom Steyer

Social Justice Warriors at Work

By Larry Sand
With the election season in full swing, expect a tide of union-led anti-reform, anti-choice and anti-Republican politicking in our kids’ classrooms. “I watched the GOP presidential debate because my students are counting on me” is the title of a piece posted on the National Education Association website by “guest writer” Tom McLaughlin, a high school...

TAGS: Charter schools, Chris Christie, Common Core, education spending, homeschooling, Jeb Bush, John Stocks, Larry Sand, National Education Association, school choice, Scott Walker, social justice, teachers union, Vergara

The NEA, Social Justice and Indoctrination Ghettos

By Larry Sand
The NEA convention had its humorous moments as well as a very disturbing one. The National Association Education’s yearly convention, which wrapped up last week, was mostly a tame affair with not much worth writing about. But NEA executive director John Stocks did provide some unintentionally comedic moments. His boiler plate lefty political ranting included...

TAGS: American Federation of Teachers, class warfare, income inequality, Indoctrination, Jason Hart, John Stocks, Larry Sand, Los Angeles Unified School District, Occupy Wall Street, Randi Weingarten, Saul Alinsky, social justice, teachers union, white privilege

Tales from the Unions’ Dark (Money) Side

By Larry Sand
The unions preen and posture as political underdogs, but nothing could be further from the truth. Thanks to the teachers unions and the American left, the term “dark money” – political spending by groups whose own donors are allowed to remain hidden – is most closely associated with two successful industrialists from Kansas – the...

TAGS: American Federation of Teachers, Citizens United, Democracy Alliance, George Soros, John Stocks, Koch Brothers, Larry Sand, Massachusetts Teachers Association, National Education Association, Randi Weingarten, teachers union

Dear Randi,

By Larry Sand
You seem to be very unhappy lately, but cheer up – things aren’t nearly as bad as you think!  In your recent foray into BuzzFeed, you seemed a bit verklempt (for you non-Yids, that means overwrought) and I would like to help you feel better! Regarding Common Core, the piece reads: ‘The right’s vitriol is...

TAGS: American Federation of Teachers, Common Core, crony capitalism, Democracy Alliance, John Stocks, Karen Lewis, Koch Brothers, Larry Sand, National Education Association, Randi Weingarten, Tea Party, teachers union, Tom Steyer